No. 7: Worth Its Weight in Gold

In late 1830, Nash County, N.C. plantation owner Nicholas Arrington accepted Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s challenge to a cockfight. Arrington and about a dozen friends spent six months crossing the country with more than 300 gamecocks in a dozen mule-drawn wagons to meet the Mexican president outside modern-day El Paso in April the following year.

No. 5: Kings of the Cockpit

We’ll be exploring the lives of some of the all-time-great cockers of England and the world up to that time, including Edward Smith-Stanley, The 12th Earl of Derby and some of his contemporaries, including William Tregonwell Frampton, William “Bill” Gilliver, Joe Gilliver and Paul Potter.

No. 3: Royal Pastime, Rabble Darling

At its height in the 17th and 18th centuries, cocking permeated British culture without exclusion, occupying crown, court, church and countryman for centuries. Called the “Pleasure of Princes” or the “Royal Pasttime” in books from that time, it was at the same time a rabble darling, a people’s diversion.

No. 1: The Phantom Cockfight

In this episode, we hear the story of Tommy Carrano and also talk to the gamefowl show standards expert, the chicken-man’s chicken expert, Anthony Saville.

BLOODLINE: The Introduction

Bloodline explores the largely unwritten history and culture of the gamefowl community, including but not limited to the ancient past time of cockfighting.